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Over the last couple of months 'A' Flight and 'B' Flight have been working hard on their diorama projects entitled
"Harriers over Kandahar" and "The Red Arrows in Cyprus" respectively. Each flight were given two models, a base and £30 to spend on materials. Their task was to create a diorama, a report on the project and a video showing its development which were then judged by the Staff.
It was a very close contest but by a small margin 'B' Flight were the winners. The winning video can be seen here (5mb).
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Harriers over Kandahar | The Red Arrows in Cyprus |
We were honoured to have Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeen, Peter Stephen, and the Lady Provost attend the squadron tonight to make the presentation of certificates of appointment as Lord Lieutenant's cadets to Flt Sgt Catriona Dick and Flt Sgt Nick Fennell.
The cadets will have the opportunity to accompany the Lord Lieutenant in greeting members of the Royal Family and Heads of State visiting Aberdeen.
These appointments are made where a cadet has demonstrated exceptional personal qualities, participation and achievements both within and outwith the ATC.
Pictured (l to r) Flt Lt Lumsden (OC 107 Sqn), the Lady Provost, Flt Sgt Dick, Flt Sgt Fennell, the Lord Lieutenant and Wg Cdr Gilbert-Stevens (OC Wing).
CI Alan Whitehead has completed the Squadron Radio Instructor course which will enable us to do more radio practise and allow interested cadets to work towards their Air Cadet Communicator badge.
Last week the cadets held a Ceilidh to raise funds for the benefit of the Redemption Children's Home in Damongo, Ghana. This was a fantastic night with over 140 people attending, including many cadets from other squadrons. The event raised several hundred pounds.
Twenty cadets and staff from the Squadron spent five days at Redemption Children's Home earlier this year during Exercise Saltire Star. We split our time there painting new buildings and interacting with the fifty one children aged from a few days old to teenagers.
Gregory Sinclair completed his Officer Initial Course this week and now has the rank of Pilot Officer.
Congratulations to the 12 cadets (named below) who took part in the above competition at RAF Leuchars.
Overall, Aberdeen Wing came in second overall position after a hard fought game against Dundee Wing.
There were 3 girls, along with F/Sgt Catriona Dick 107 (who was unable to play on the day due to injury) selected to represent S&NI Region at RAF Cosford on the 29 Nov 08 and 1 non-travelling reserve.
Many thanks to the 3 Squadrons that responded to my e-mails & telephone calls, BUT I know there are more girls out there, and the response was disappointing to say the least. Hopefully the Junior Competition in the New Year will be better supported.
ANES Senior Netball Squad - 02 Nov 08 107 Cpl Rachel Dick (Regional Selection) 107 Cdt Rachel Morton (Regional Selection) 107 Cdt Rachel Rayne 107 Cdt Rachel Hamilton 107 Cdt Beth Chalmers 107 Cdt Jennifer Morton 107 Cdt Georgia Bland 865 Cpl Julie Greig 865 Cdt Holly Borthwick 865 Cdt Pooja Goyal (non-travelling reserve) 877 Sgt Victoria Forbes (Regional Selection) 877 Cdt Laura Wood |
Eleven cadets passed their Basic, Intermediate or Advanced Swimming Proficiency awards tonight at Hazelhead Swimming Pool. Thanks to all the cadets who helped out as "drowning casualties".
Eight cadets and two staff went gliding last Sunday, most never having flown at all before, with each having at least 20 minutes in the air.
The gliders we fly are Grob Vigilant two-seater self- launching motor gliders.
Due to the unsuitable weather and lack of aircraft availability it had been April 2007 that we last managed a successful gliding slot.
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron cadets will have the opportunity for both gliding (Grob Vigilant) and flying (Grob Tutor) again later this year.
Today six cadets joined members of Aberdeen University's "Dirty Weekenders" group and other volunteers to help clear gorse and broom at Kincorth Hill Local Nature Reserve. The event was organised by the Aberdeen City Council Ranger Service who provided gloves and tools as well as hot drinks and biscuits.
Kincorth Hill is widely used by local residents for walking and is inhabited by deer. Ranger Simon Whitworth said that without this annual exercise the gorse and broom would take over the whole area in about 10 years.
We broke into groups clearing gorse encroaching paths, other large patches of gorse and areas of heather being invaded by broom which were taken to a bonfire for burning. Lunch was supplemented by baked potatoes which had been cooked on the bonfire. Due to the large turnout, the afternoon session did not require any more cutting and the huge pile of gorse amassed in the morning was chopped up for the bonfire. Marshmallows were cooked over the fire before the day ended with a fire engine making sure the bonfire was safely extinguished.
The Ranger Service has organised a similar day at Scotstown Moor which we will also be supporting.
Over the two week expedition to Ghana the group took several thousand photographs covering the places we visited, people we met and activities that we took part in.
Ghana and its people made an everlasting impression on us all and helped us appreciate a different way of life.
We have uploaded some pictures to our photo gallery to give a flavour of our experiences throughout the trip.
Tonight we started the project work on dioramas where both Flights will be competing against each other. The projects will culminate in the construction of the diorama and a short video presentation for display at the Awards evening in December.
The subject for 'A' Flight is "Harriers over Kandahar" while 'B' Flight has "The Red Arrows in Cyprus". Each Flight will be provided with two 1:72 scale aircraft and £30 to purchase materials.
Judging will be done by the Staff with points being awarded on various criteria. Look out for pictures and videos on the website by the end of the year.
Last week the Squadron had an instructional evening on fieldcraft skills led by a captain from the Terratorial Army with all cadets coming kitted out in their DPMs.
The evening started with a presentation on the theory of concealment. This was followed by by the cadets breaking into groups to practice applying cammo cream and then camouflaging a team member with plently of long grass in their webbing.
A prize went to the team with the most effective camouflage and all cadets had great fun throughout. Similar evenings will take place in the future.
The Regional Field Day was held on 7th September where each of the six Wings in Scotland & Northern Ireland Region were represented by the respective winners in several competitions at Wing level. Presentations were made by Gp Capt Morag Urquhart, Regional Commandant.
The main focus of the day was the Drill Competition where 107 (Aberdeen) Squadron were representing Aberdeen and North East Scotland Wing. This was a keenly fought contest where we came fourth overall although we can take some consolation from the fact that there were only a handful of points difference between 2nd, 3rd and 4th place. Congratulations to 1145 (Dunfermline) Squadron who finished well in front and deserving winners.
Aberdeen Wing won the Photographic Competition with a photo taken by Off Cdt Gregory Sinclair. This photo of Flt Sgt Nick Fennell in a Hawk can be seen in the news item below.
Off Cdt Gregory Sinclair and Flt Sgt Nick Fennell are both pictured left.
The trophy was presented to Wg Cdr Joan Gilbert-Stevens on behalf of Aberdeen Wing by Gp Capt Urquhart.
Finally the day was rounded off by the presentation of the Purdie Sword of Honour to Flt Sgt Nick Fennell.
The Purdie sword is awarded annually to the male cadet judged to be the best in Scotland and Northern Ireland Region. This is based on merit taking into account the cadet's achivements and contribution to the Air Training Corps over the last year.
Well done to all the cadets from 107 Squadron who competed today and helped the squadron come second overall. Points were awarded not just for a medal position so everybody's contribution counted.
Medals won: | ||
Junior Girls Butterfly | Gold | Cdt Churchfield |
Senior Girls Butterfly | Gold | Cdt Bradbury |
Junior Boys Backstroke | Bronze | Cpl Whitehead |
Junior Girls Backstroke | Silver | Cdt Rayne |
Senior Girls Backstroke | Silver | Cdt Chalmers |
Junior Girls Breaststroke | Gold | Cdt Rayne |
Senior Girls Breaststroke | Gold | Cdt Bradbury |
Junior Girls Freestyle | Gold | Cdt Churchfield |
Senior Girls Freestyle | Silver | Cdt Chalmers |
Junior Boys Freestyle Relay | Silver | Cpl Whitehead Cdt Clark Cdt Fraser Cdt Stephen |
The Flying and Gliding pages on the site have now been updated. Please contact Officer Cadet Gregory Sinclair for more information.
Congratulations to CI David Birch who has just qualified as the Squadron's third Summer Mountain Leader.
This gives us greater flexibility when planning expeditions with the cadets into the hills and mountains of the UK in summer conditions.
Sgt Nick Fennell, judged to be the Best Male Cadet in the Wing for 2007, had been selected for a flight in a Hawk jet to recognise this achievment.
He travelled to Lossiemouth for the 45 minute trip where the pilot demonstrated what the aircraft was capable of and why a g-suit is worn.
Sgt Fennell will provide a write-up of the thrilling experience for the website in the near future.
The 2008 Scottish Poisk, a 48 hour Mountain Endurance Event was held this year in the Western Highlands.
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron entered two teams, the 107 Cheetahs (male category - Sgt Fennell, Cpl Brown, Cpl Whitehead and Cdt Henderson) and the 107 Flying Elephants (female category - Flt Sgt Dick, Flt Sgt McKenzie, Cdt R Morton and Cdt Fennell).
Being the only female team the 107 Flying Elephants won their category while the 107 Cheetahs came a creditable third in the male category. Congratulations to Artificial Endurance (102 Sqn) and The Jackson Five (2367 Sqn) who came first and second respectively.
Starting at Fort Augustus the teams of covered 86km over five gruelling running and biking stages to stretch themselves both physically and mentally. The first day ended at Ardverikie Estate by Loch Laggan and this is where the second day was centered.
Team managers CI Massie and CI Whitehead made sure everyone and their equipment and were at the right place at the right time.
In true Poisk tradition the teams had to contend with the environment, temperatures down to freezing on the first night, heavy rain on the second morning and so many midges that most people were wearing midgie head nets for a good part of the weekend.
Check out the Scottish Poisk website for full details of the 2008 event.
This years Drill competition took place after the Wing Parade at Gordon Barracks in Aberdeen and was keenly fought between six squadrons.
The three judges firstly made a detailed inspection of each of the Drill teams before the squadrons marched on in turn and went through their well rehearsed routines.
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron, led by Flt Sgt Catherine McKenzie, put in a lot of extra evening practice recently and were rewarded with first place.
2367 (Banchory) Squadron came second, some 13 points behind.
Flt Lt Bruce Lumsden reminded all the cadets last week that is one competition that the squadron has not won since he has been OC 107 Sqn, so we are sure to see a happy Commanding Officer at next Parade night.
Presentations of trophies were also made to the following 107 (Aberdeen) Squadron cadets;
CI Whitehead was accompanied by Cpl Whitehead and Cdt Nolan to RAF Leuchars to take up the Tornado F3 Fighter simulator experience which was the star prize in the Squadron Ceilidh raffle last February.
They each took the controls for take off, flying a loop and a low level pass under the Forth Road Bridge before landing again at RAF Leuchars.
Keeping a constant watch on the head up display and following instructions on their headset they soon got the feel of the controls to perform these tasks.
Later they were given a guided tour of a fully operational Tornado F3.
Sqn Ldr Sean Harrison was invited to present a BTEC Certificate in Aviation Studies to six cadets, Sgt Fennell, Cpl Whitehead, Cpl Silvester, Flt Sgt McKenzie, Flt Sgt Dick and Cdt Henderson.
This qualification can be gained by any cadet for completing their Staff Part I exam and, from April 2008, it will be free of charge.
Cdt Henderson had a double celebration as he also passed his Staff Part II on the same evening.
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron, winners of the Lady MacRobert Memorial Trophy for the best squadron in the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Wing for the fifth year in a row, received the trophy in a presentation made at Douneside House (home of The MacRobert Trust), by Group Captain Al Monkman DFC ADC MA BA, Officer Commanding RAF Lossiemouth.
Gp Capt Monkman also had a surprise for one lucky cadet. Sgt Nick Fennell (holding trophy), the Best Male Cadet in the Wing for 2007 is to be given the chance of a lifetime flight in a Hawk, the aircraft flown by the Red Arrows.
Congratulations to Cdt Rachel Rayne who won a bronze medal for the long jump at this years Inter Wing Athletics.
CI David Birch, a qualified single pitch instructor, together with another instructor took six cadets rock climbing on a fine evening to the cliffs at Cove. Donning their safety helments and harnesses they made their way down the winding coastal path to the foot of the cliffs.
For several cadets this was their first taste of rock climbing but all managed both pitches that were set up. Once they reached as far as they could they put their faith in the person belaying to bring them safely to the ground.
To round off the evening they were given the opportunity to practise abseiling before heading back to the squadron for final parade.
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron received a boost for their expedition to Ghana with the generous donation of 20 kitbags from Grampian Police.
Chief Inspector Adrian Berkeley handed over the 100 litre kitbags that will go to each member of the expedition.
These are ideal for all the travelling involved and are the start of the expedition "identity".
Article from Evening Express 9th June 2008
We were honoured to have Flt Lt John Cruikshank VC RAF officially open our new flight simulator. Flt Lt Cruikshank was given a demonstration by one of the cadets then, not to be outdone, he himself took the controls of a Catalina flying boat, similar to those he flew in World War II. More photos are available in the photo gallery.
Also present on the day were Sqn Ldr Sandy Reid, 107 (Aberdeen) Squadron Hononary President and the flight simulator project manager, CI Gregory Sinclair.
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Flt Lt Cruikshank & Sqn Ldr Reid | Flying a Catalina |
107 (Aberdeen) Squadron had a very successful day the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Wing athletics meeting in Peterhead, winning numerous medals and trophies including that for the overall top scoring squadron.
The Evening Express included an article today about our expedition to Ghana. Click here for more information.
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